Sunday, January 6, 2008

A year for changes

Yes, this year will be a year for changes...I'm not sure what all changes are in store, but there will be many, I do know that much. I plan on making the most of whatever comes my way and no matter what that may be, I will work on myself to make me a better me!

Of course, that means many resolutions! I know people who swear away from resolutions because they say that they are made to be broken, or that you are setting yourself up for failure, and many other things I can't remember that they say. But I say that there is no better time than the beginning of a year to at least try to incorporate some positive changes into your life. And if for some reason you do anything to sabotage that goal, then try, try again. As many times as it takes to get you to where you are happy with yourself. I think I have learned that there is a plan for all of us and we think that we know what we want that plan to be. But a very wise friend (Thanks, Melboe!) tells me often that if what we would like to happen doesn't happen, there there must be better things out there for you. It is hard to think of things that way when you want something like you have never wanted anything in your life, but you just have to place trust where it belongs and believe in what happens after that.

Other things that have been going on since I last posted (yes, I am not very consistent yet!).....I have just decided to enbark on an MBA program (once again, Thanks Melboe!). Although I have to wrangle with the IRS for a copy of my last return in order to apply for financial aid, since I have no earthly clue what I did with it. I can't imagine filing without printing a copy, but it is not to be found. But, I should be able to start in March and it should take about 2 years from then. I see much more Prozac in my future!

I am still working on my first scrapbooking album. It is an album of my dog, Skittles. I am going to try to get that one done by the end of this month, because I want to start on another one that will be about my trip to Bahrain next month.

Time for a commercial break...Until next time!


MelBoe said...

I can't be to blame for EVERYTHING can I? Anyway, I firmly believe that change is good.

Redblur63 said...

Marcia, I hope this is a year of great change and empowerment for you. You are a strong, remarkable woman...reach for your goals and hold your ground for what is best for you. Never settle for the status quo! You are worth it!!